



Xonnection Logo

The vision

Connection wants to connect people, business, church and organizations worldwide with the goal of networking and living business, spiritual and social issues based on Christian values.

The values

Xonnection's values are based on the Bible as the living Word of God. That is the basis of how members treat each other.


Respect for others is a basic requirement for all activities on this portal. The dignity of everyone has to be respected and respected.


Authenticity and transparency create trust and this is the basis for sustainable and successful cooperation on our network.


Responsibility and quality guarantee the entries and representations. The Xonnection rating system ensures that users have a positive, sustainable experience.


Xonnection is a global network and works continuously to reach people all over the world in their languages.

Active languages

These are the active languages, which are already translated.

Click on a flag to change the language.

Projected languages

These languages are in preparation or are being translated.

The financing

These are the basic financing instruments for Xonnection.

Entries and marketing tools

When a booking of an entry, the user decides what value the entry has for himself.

Marketing Tool bookings are fee-based.


People who find Xonnection interesting can make a financial contribution to advance Xonneciton.


Companies and individuals support Xonnection with a larger contribution. These are named as sponsors on request.

The sponsorship

An important part is the financing of Xonnection by sponsors.

Become a sponsor

Xonnection wants to keep service prices low and expand at the same time. It is therefore important that Xonnection finds sponsors.

If you would like to support Xonnection stongly, you can become a sponsor.

You are mentioned here in the network and can also advertise on your website or in your documents with the Xonnection sponsor logo.

Email us

Become a part of Xonnection

If you find Xonneciton interesting, you can support it here.